Lola Hayes in the Role of a Lifetime

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

legrac · 115

This is how my deck ended up after going through a successful hard mode game of Carcosa. She was accompanied by Mark and Akachi.

I knew coming into things that I wanted to live the Venturer/Ornate Bow dream, aside from that, I was pretty open. The 3 damage attacks were pretty useful--Mark handled most of the combat, but against the random Seeker of Carcosa or Byakhee with 3 health, it was nice to fill in that gap.

At the end of things, I was basically a generic seeker who had 4 actions from Leo--although if the table makeup had been different, I could have easily been more of a combat force.

My advice for anyone looking to pick up Lola is that 2 adaptables are the best upgrades available, and that card draw is king. A game that starts with you drawing 3 from a preposterous sketch is very different from a game where you don't do that thing. The adaptables let me switch in things like Elusives, Fine Clothes, Vicious Blows, Logical Reasoning, etc., in the scenarios where they were more useful.


Mar 04, 2019 veneretio · 339

Cool list. Sounds like Preposterous Sketches performed well. Can you speak to any cards in the final list or even along the way that were surprising underperformers?

In general, is it safe to say you hung out in Seeker mode most of the time?

Mar 04, 2019 legrac · 115

Yeah, I aimed to be in seeker mode most of the time--Carcosa's encounters often deal with Intellect and Will, so it was the best default defensively. It's also not a coincidence that I didn't have many assets for seeker, so I could minimize the effectiveness of Crisis.

The deck started off as a Dark Horse build until I got the permanent skill boosters, and DH performed fine enough, but the deck that wants to have 0 resources doesn't also play those talents. Also I was defeated in the first scenario when the second Crisis came up in as many draws, removing my Dark Horse and Keepsake and leaving me dead to a Poltergeist, which left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.

Return to Dunwich did a lot for Lola--both the level 2 Hot Streak and the level 2 Preposterous Sketches put in a lot of work. The general plan for this build after getting Scrapper and Higher Education was to be able to throw money at any problem that really needs solving, and Hot Streak is great at that.

If I had to go back and do it again, I'd probably just pass on the Venturer in favor of something else. It was cute to be able to quickly reload my bow, but Guardian wasn't usually the role I wanted to be in when I was firing it, so usually didn't line up that way. Not that the card wasn't useful--I'd usually just swap back into guardian on a later turn to refill it, but I could probably think of more useful cards to throw in.

The tarot card was just something to spend 1 xp on going into Dim Carcosa, but I was really glad to have it, and should have gotten some kind of tarot earlier. It seems like a no brainer in hindsight, as I'm in the market for a passive stat boost, but I didn't take it because it would rarely start in my opening hand due to Lola's massive deck building rules. But honestly it was worth the 3 resources and the action, and I suspect you could justify any of them for her and not be wrong.