It's All About The Benjamins (and my Red-Gloved Man is named

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

brerlapine · 19

Fully upgraded Preston Fairmont Deck


I want criticisms, suggestions, and comparisons with my other deck linked here:

The idea is to store additional actions on Borrowed Time to use on your The Red-Gloved Man turns.

Calling in Favors, A Chance Encounter, and The Gold Pocket Watch keep or return him to play.

At maximum efficiency, The Red-Gloved Man could be in play with Leo De Luca for around a total of 24 actions. But is that too risky or inefficient to make a whole deck around? My group meets up in 3 days to reconvene the campaign, so please help decide the direction I take Preston Fairmont!


Mar 17, 2019 StartWithTheName · 67453

I dont know much about preston, so im not in a great place to make recommendations.... however im dying to know what your red gloved man is named! curse that character count!

Mar 18, 2019 brerlapine · 19

The red gloved man was going to be called... Benjamin.