Abandoned and Alone - Diamonds are Forever (Extracurricular

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ian_MB · 4041

This is the upgraded version of the deck used in the Abandoned and Alone series against the Return to Dunwich Legacy campaign. The one upgrade I've made is adding Charisma to accommodate the addition of Dr. Morgan and the two allies I already have in the deck.

Scenario Notes:

  • The House Always Wins (R2): O'bannion gang has a bone to pick. Rescued Dr. Morgan.

Campaign Mechanic Notes:

Chaos Bag:

Misc. Investigator Notes:

  • "Identified the solution"

Earned Weaknesses:

  • Psychosis (Basic Weakness)

Earned Assets:


Notable Moments: