Junky Agnes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scorpion0x17 · 156

After Night of the Zealot Scenario 1


May 30, 2017 Synisill · 790

Why did you include 2 Painkillers AND 2 Smoking Pipes? Of course you won't play out both at the same time, but wouldn't it be more effective to include some healing/prevention of damage instead of using Smoking Pipes? Peter Sylvestre + Painkillers should be sufficient to keep you free from horror.

Oct 27, 2017 CSerpent · 125

@SynisillThis is an old comment, but I was here looking for a Junkie Agnes deck. The idea is you use the Painkillers to swap a damage for a horror, meaning Agnes gets to inflict a damage. Then you use the Pipe to reset. Three turns, three guaranteed damage with no skill check using free abilities, for the price of two actions and two resources to play the cards.

Oct 28, 2017 Scorpion0x17 · 156

Sorry for not responding to your question, @Synisill, life got in the way of my playing the game, so I forgot to come back and post a reply.

Anyway, as @CSerpent says, the idea behind the deck is to cycle a Damage into Horror, triggering her ability, and then back in to Damage, ready to start the cycle again.

And, so, because both Smoking Pipe and Pain Killers are needed for this combo, I included 2 of each to help ensure I get both parts out.

Oct 28, 2017 Scorpion0x17 · 156

@CSerpent, there are probably much better Junky Agnes decks listed here.

I found this deck not particularly fun to play, and frustratingly ineffective, so switched to a Dark Horse/Scavenging Pete/Duke build for our (currently on-going) run through The Dunwich Legacy. Am finding that much more fun to play, and more effective.