A Skilled Detective - Thorned Edition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thornstromb · 64


May 31, 2017 Synisill · 790

Perhaps you should lose a word about how many scenarios you performed - 20xp aren't earned that easily. Maybe this is only a fun build?

May 31, 2017 Thornstromb · 64

sorry, was originally publishing this to share with a friend as im playing thes in Tabletop Simulator: all my decks have one upgrade level that contains all their potential upgrades. any given campaign will have too many differences in situation and partners to make a "rigid" upgrade path, so i just have a "pool" of upgrade options and choose as available/needed.

Jun 01, 2017 zozo · 2970

You don't need to publish a deck to share with a friend, by the way. In your profile, you can click 'share your decks' and that allows anyone you send the link to a view of a deck...

Jun 01, 2017 Thornstromb · 64

ah..... didnt know that one. sorry

Jun 01, 2017 zozo · 2970

@Thornstrombnot a problem - just thought you might want to know!