Hurts So Good

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

krish · 50

Upgrade ideas:

  1. Add another Hypnotic Gaze and maybe drop a Blinding Light since I'm more about attacking and protecting than evading.
  2. Add Charisma for all those allies, especially with the scenario specific ones.
  3. Upgrade and add another copy of Lucky!.
  4. Upgrade other Rite of Seeking.

Jun 01, 2017 Synisill · 790

Don't add the Book, Difrakt's review summarizes it pretty well: it's not worth it right now.

Jun 02, 2017 krish · 50

@Synisill, yeah, I agree. Two action to cast an exhausted spell is a pretty steep cost on top of the XP and resources. Maybe if the scenarios get longer?

Jun 02, 2017 Synisill · 790

I would daresay all the scenarios roughly are developed/designed for a certain playtime. I would not expect an increase there. The book is clumsy, it costs you time for a small gain. Your other ideas are good, the choice should follow what you know about the next scenario in your campaign. There are no info where you are right now, storywise.