Diana Stanley - Solo Return to the Night of the Zealot run

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Diana Stanley - Solo Return to the Night of the Zealot run 2 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Diana Stanley - Solo Carnavale of Horrors 2 1 0 1.0

unremb · 251

Return to the Night of the Zealot solo-run


Not drawing a Shrivelling whole game was painful, though it's more than made up with drawing 2x Recall the Futures at the start
"I've had worse..." again saved the day, ensuring that I was sitting comfortable on resources.
Sixth Sense was again underwhelming.

Part 3: The Devourer Below ( Standard difficulty )

Game Begins: put Four of Cups in play

  1. Turn 1:
    Play Recall the Future (RtF)
    Play Recall the Future (RtF)
    to Arkham Woods (Great Willow)

  2. Turn 2:
    Encounter: Grave-Eater
    Fight Grave-Eater RtF: RtF: -2 ( 3 vs 2 ) ( : success - 1 damage )
    Fight Grave-Eater RtF: RtF: -2 ( 3 vs 2 ) (+1 : success - 1 damage )
    Kill Grave-Eater
    Investigate RtF: 0 RtF: -1 ( 3 vs 4 shroud ) (-2 : fail )

  3. Turn 3:
    Encounter: Umordhoth's Wrath Ward of Protection Diana's ability
    Premonition (0)
    Investigate RtF: 0 ( 0 : success; Exhaust RtF )
    to Main Path
    Play Twilight Blade

  4. Turn 4: Agenda Adv: Spawn Grave-Eater on main path
    Encounter: Chill from Below ( commit Guts ) ( 5 vs 3 ) RtF: -3 RtF: ( : success )
    Fight Grave-Eater ( 3 vs 3 ) RtF : -1 RtF: ( : success - 1 damage; Exhaust RtF )
    Fight Grave-Eater ( 3 vs 3 ) RtF : -1 ( : fail )
    Fight Grave-Eater ( 3 vs 3 ) RtF : -1 (-1 : success - 1 damage; Exhaust RtF )

  5. Turn 5:
    Encounter: Offer of Power (take 2 horror) "I've had worse..." Diana's ability
    to Arkham Woods ( Corpse-Ridden Clearing )
    Investigate ( 3 vs 3 shroud ) RtF: -1 RtF: -2 ( : success )
    to Main Path

  6. Turn 6:
    Encounter: Rotting Remains ( 3 vs 3 ) RtF: -1 RtF: -2 ( -4 : fail - take 3 horror ) Deny Existence Diana's ability
    to Arkham Woods (Unhallowed Ground) ( 5 vs 4 ) RtF: -2 RtF: (+1 : success )
    Play Sixth Sense
    Sixth Sense ( 5 vs 4 shroud ) RtF: -2 RtF: ( -1 : success )
    Advance Act: Spawn Ritual Site and Ruth Turner on Main Path

  7. Turn 7:
    Encounter: Umordhoth's Hunger Dark Insight Diana's ability
    to Main Path
    to Ritual Site (take 1 damage)
    Advance Act: Spawn Yithian Observer
    Storm of Spirits (commit Steadfast ) ( 9 vs 3 ) (+1 : success - 2 damage to each enemy )
    Enemy phase: Ruth Turner ( 1 damage ) Yithian Observer ( 2 damage & 2 horror ) "I've had worse..." with Twilight Blade

  8. Turn 8:
    Encounter: Dissonant Voices
    Twilight Blade on Yithian Observer ( 5 vs 5 ) RtF: -1 RtF: ( 0 : success - 1 damage )
    Twilight Blade on Yithian Observer ( 5 vs 5 ) RtF: -1 RtF: ( : success - 1 damage; Exhaust RtF )
    Kill Yithian Observer
    Twilight Blade on Ruth Turner ( 5 vs 3 ) RtF: -3 RtF: ( +1 : success - 1 damage )
    Enemy Phase: Ruth Turner ( 1 damage )

  9. Turn 9: Advance Agenda commit Guts ( 8 vs 6 ) Dark Prophecy Diana's ability RtF: RtF: -3 ( -2 : success )
    Encounter: Umordhoth's Wrath ( 6 vs 5 ) ( : fail ) Deny Existence with Twilight Blade
    Twilight Blade on Ruth Turner ( 5 vs 2 RtF: -4 RtF: ( : success - 1 damage; Exhaust RtF )
    Kill Ruth Turner
    Drawn to the Flame
    Encounter: Ancient Evils ( 1 doom )
    Spend 1 clue: ( 5 vs 3 ) RtF: -3 (-1 : success )

  10. Turn 10:
    Encounter: Corpse-Taker
    Premonition (0)
    Spend 1 clue: ( 5 vs 3 ) ( 0 : success )

Scenario Ends ( R1 : 2VP + 5 bonus XP )

Campaign total: 24 XP; 3 mental trauma


Oct 19, 2019 unremb · 251

Just realized I completely forgot to play Dark Pact from my hand at the last turn!