Preston Fairmont - Solo Return to Echoes of the Past

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Preston Fairmont - Solo Return to The Last King 0 0 0 2.0
Inspiration for
Preston Fairmont - Solo Carnevale of Horrors 0 0 2 1.0

unremb · 251

Spoiler Warning

Return to the Path of Carcosa solo (Standard difficulty):
Disclaimer: semi-blind run - several decisions within the game as well as in deck-building is done with prior knowledge of the Campaign in mind.
Though this is my first run on Return and with Preston Fairmont.

Streetwise is probably crucial and thus acquired.
2nd copy of Cornered also added in place of "Look what I found!".
Dropped 2x Flashlight and Fine Clothes for Easy Mark.
Rise to the Occasion swapped for Money Talks

Return to Echoes of the Past:

Echoes of the Past is an interesting scenario in that you can almost take your time in solving the mystery.
Starting with 2x Drawing Thin and Rabbit's Foot was amazing - it was faster to fail random tests to draw cards and get resources.
It worked alright even without the early Leo De Luca
Given how low Preston's skills are, Live and Learn was crucial in getting my skills to a level where I can hope to pass the test.
Also found that I've mostly been using Resourceful for Live and Learn, which is crucial.
Completely forgot about Streetwise... really should have the card in front of me next time...

c Card(s)
d Damage
h Horror
r Resource(s)
s Shroud
C Cornered
DT Drawing Thin
FamI Family Inheritance
RF Rabbit's Foot
WC Well Connected

Game Begins:

Scenario Ends ( R3 : 4VP )
you tried to warn the police
the Stranger is on to you
you fled the dinner party
you destroyed the oathspeaker VIPs Interviewed: Jordan Perry, Ishimaru Haruko, Sebastien Moreau
Conviction: 1
Chasing the Stranger: 4