Mark Harrigan never undone - After scenario 1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WarpFlame · 3

This campaign starts well. Defeated by sanity and at the end of the first scenario another -1 sanity permanent. That means the next scenario Mark will start with a 3 sanity. Wow!

We got 7 experience. The first idea I had, just to get two elder sign amulets. But I also want to do some other upgrades so I made the following changes.

  • One Beat Cop upgrade 2
  • Elder Sing (removed dynamite blast :( ) 3
  • Smoking pipe (removed Elusive) 1
  • If it bleeds (removed Act of Desperation)

Not the best start. I also got The Tower tarot card and Ace of Rods tarot card.