William Yorick, Highlander

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1560

For my next trip to Carcosa i want to do something a bit different. Using the Highlander rules, every deck is going to include only up to one of each card.

William Yorick is going to team up with Rex Murphy, hopefully navigating their way along the path.

The deck itself isn't using any fancy combos or concepts, it's just a mix of cards that i think should enable Yorick to play the role of Rex's bodyguard well enough.

Rex Murphy deck over here: https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/759672

As i play through the campaign, i plan on updating this deck with the upgrades that i made to the deck.