William Yorick, Highlander

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1566

For my next trip to Carcosa i want to do something a bit different. Using the Highlander rules, every deck is going to include only up to one of each card.

William Yorick is going to team up with Rex Murphy, hopefully navigating their way along the path.

The deck itself isn't using any fancy combos or concepts, it's just a mix of cards that i think should enable Yorick to play the role of Rex's bodyguard well enough.

Rex Murphy deck over here: https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/759672

As i play through the campaign, i plan on updating this deck with the upgrades that i made to the deck.

  • Campaign log -

Curtain Call: This took forever, with William holding down the Royal Emissary and resetting the Agenda many, many times while Rex took his sweet time picking up the clues... in the end it all went quite well though, the encounter deck simply did a good job of stalling. 7XP for both, that's enough to upgrade both the Diary and the Solution for Rex and to give William a bit more firepower. Knife recursion is all very well, but won't do forever.

Last King: Not bad. Managed to question 3 people. Almost finished the fourth but he just had to transform in front of me, which was the final cue to flee the place. 13 clues collected -> 6XP total -> 3XP for Rex, 3XP for William. Rex got Studious which is an easy staple to pick up. For William, i really wanted Cornered next, the last XP went to another combat boost.

Echoes of the Past: Usually this is on the easier side. Not this time, as the combination of drawing multiple Seekers of Carcosa early, having the Hunting Rifle jam on 2 out of 3 shots and just generally seeing the enemies amass their doom early put a lot of pressure on me. Thankfully Rex was able to just stay on the ground floor undisturbed and was able to just farm clues there. One clutch evasion on the oathspeaker gave me the time to finish up the scenario. A bit of a bummer, i was kinda hoping that i would be in a position to pick up the oathspeakers garb. Ah well, maybe next time. 3XP for everyone. William picks up Charisma as a preparation for upgrades that are still to come. Rex gets rid of some filler cards in his deck with solid 1XP upgrades.

Unspeakable Oath: Another close one. I just find the encounter cards in this scenario incredibly punishing at times. Between Corrosion and Straight Jacket, an unlucky pull can undo turns of setup. In any case, i got bot Rex and William out of there in time, although it was very close. 2 more turns were left. Oof. 5XP were earned (including one from the interlude). Rex got himself a Cryptic Command and switched out one of his 5 offcolor cards. I never used Burglary and money was no issue either, so i swapped it for a more generally useful Leather Coat. On William's side, it's time to reap the benefits of Charisma and put a bunch of very nice ally assets in the deck.