Power Wendy [Labyrinths of Lunacy]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Recycling Mistress 0 0 7 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

barelytoned · 2

I wanted to build an independent investigator that had a linear strategy and could survive a variety of threats. The goal is to find Leo quickly with Flare and evade threats until a good opportunity for Will to Survive presents itself. Flashlight and "Look... " mean I can gather a few incidental clues. Fire Axe is the final word if I can't evade my way out of danger. I thought Elusive might be a fun choice in a scenario titled Labyrinths of Lunacy.


Jun 25, 2018 Krakenonastick · 9

@barelytoned, I just ran a Wendy in scenario B, and boy did she hold her own.