Independent Faux Seeker Series: Jenny

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
thinking through limited pool clue jenny 1 1 0 1.0

FBones · 18692

This deck is part of a new series I'll be publishing: The Independent Faux Seekers Series.

The basic idea is that you might want to give yourself some extra challenge and play a game without any seekers (currently by far the strongest faction). The goal is to provide decks that accomplish two goals:

  • Allow a significant amount of clue finding
  • Allow the investigator to mostly take care of himself or herself

The second point means that these decks could be played solo or as an efficient part of a pair-play. Typically, it is most efficient for investigators to split up because otherwise you have to invest a lot of moves in each of you visiting all the locations.

If Jenny is partnering with Jim Culver, she should switch one Machete and give the other to Jim, so each has 1 of each. This makes the deck compatible with the Jim (with Jenny) deck in this series.

Notable points about some includes:

The Fine Clothes, Lone Wolfs, Liquid Courage are all cheap assets in case you get hit by Pushed into the Beyond or Cryptic Research.

The Double or Nothing is mostly there for when you have a Flashlight that has reduced the shroud of a location to 0 or 1, at which point is functions essentially like a Deduction.

The Quick Thinking [on Hard/Expert] is marginal at first, but there isn't anything better and it can become better once Jenny has Streetwise.

The deck can evolve significantly through the use of Adaptable as Jenny gains higher-level cards.

Your first xp upgrade should be Streetwise, and then Adaptable. Once Jenny has Streetwise she will want to convert her Magnifying Glasss to Dr. Milan Christopher. Streetwise + Dr. Milan Christopher becomes a fantastic clue-generation engine because Jenny gets +3 to her , letting her investigate at a level of 7 [counting Dr. Milan Christopher], and when she gets a clue she gets back one of the resources she spent. It is amazing!

Other things to do with xp + Adaptable:

  1. Get Switchblades, allowing you to switch out the Machete for a second Physical Training. Physical Training is the perfect complement to Streetwise and very useful on Hard/Expert.

  2. Get Charisma so you can have Dr. Milan Christopher and Leo De Luca out at the same time.

You have reached a key point once you have Streetwise, Adaptable, 2x Switchblade and Charisma. That is 11 xp, which you can easily get in the first 4 scenarios. After that Hot Streak makes sense.