Sefina "The Artful Dodger" Rousseau

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sfrembrandt · 1

Dunwich Legacy

  • Mark Harrigan
  • Sefina Rousseau

Extracurricular Activity: R1

  • Professor Warren Rice rescued.
  • Failed to save the students.
  • added to the Chaos Bag.
  • 4xp.

The House Always Wins: R4

  • O'Bannion Gang has a bone to pick with us.
  • Dr Francis Morgan kidnapped.
  • Dr Henry Armitage kidnapped.
  • The investigators suffered 1 physical trauma.
  • 7xp

The Miskatonic Museum: R2

  • Investigators took custody of the Necronomicon.
  • Sefina gained the necronomicon.
  • added to the Chaos Bag.
  • 5xp.

The Essex County Express: R2

  • The necronomicon was stolen.
  • Warren Rice kidnapped.
  • Investigators delayed on the way to Dunwich.
  • Mark suffered 1 mental trauma.
  • 2xp.

Blood on the Altar: R1

  • The investigators put Silas Bishop out of his misery.
  • Henry Armitage & Warren Rice were sacrificed to Yog-Sothoth.
  • Francis Morgan, Zebulon Whateley, Earl Sawyer survived the Dunwich legacy.
  • 5xp.

Undimensioned and Unseen:

  • The investigators calmed the townsfolk.
  • Two broods escaped into the wild.
  • Sefina suffered a mental trauma.
  • 2 exp

Where Doom Awaits:

Lost in Time and Space: