Wendy Adams - 2 Core - Hit 'Em When They're Down

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

I wanted to play fast and loose with Wendy's Discard Pile in this version, as I really wanted to take advantage of her Amulet's in play abilities. Because of this I included a few more Event cards than usual.

Wendy's main Combat stat is horrible, so she will focus on Evading and then hitting them hard when they're down (hopefully adding her Events back into her deck to see again).

For her opening hand you will want to hard mulligan for Wendy's Amulet - that's key for this deck. You also want Pickpocketing for draw to fuel Wendy's reaction. An early Baseball Bat wouldn't go amiss either.

Possible Upgrades:

Will to Survive (3xp) - It's expensive, but you want this. Not drawing from the Chaos Bag is only ever good.

Close Call (2xp) - Let's just recycle that horrible enemy back into the Encounter deck...

Cat Burglar (1xp) - Ally that helps you against enemies and boost your Evade skill even more.

Lucky! (2xp) - The extra card draw is nice, again to fuel Wendy's reaction.