Daisy Walker Swamp Hunter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LotusElise · 7

Build for a solo in the Curse of the Rougarou (experience on credit) with a further continuation of the story in The Dunwich Legacy. Main goal - do not kill Rougarou and get Monstrous Transformation for Daisy )))).

I'm a beginner, but I love experimenting. If you have any thoughts, opinions or advice, I'm happy to take note, however, I only have The Dunwich Legacy, The Path to Carcosa and The Forgotten Age, but I have not opened the player cards from The Forgotten Age cycle yet and I haven't looked at it... so I didn't use it.


Jul 16, 2022 Soul_Turtle · 433

It is way too many 1-of cards. This reduces the reliability of your deck immensely. This is a common deckbuilding mistake for new players, who want to cram in tons of cool cards. In reality your decks will perform more consistently if you stick to mostly 2-ofs.

You have 4 cards that can handle monsters. One Shrivelling, two "I've got a plan!", one Mind over Matter. That's not nearly enough for true solo. More often than not, the first monster you draw immediately ends the game. Daisy in this cardpool is not going to be a very good solo investigator; you just don't have enough combat options. It will be swingy at best. At the very least you probably want the 2nd Shrivelling since it is the only reliable/reusable weapon you can choose from.

Yes you can try to manipulate the encounter deck with Scrying and Alyssa Graham and Maleson... if you draw them. You're only running 1 copy of each, so your odds of finding them in time are low.

Logical Reasoning is not good in a character with 9 base sanity and decent Will.

Barricade is very rarely useful in solo (or ever for that matter).

Quantum Flux doesn't achieve anything here.

Two Moonlight Ritual doesn't make sense, you only have 1 card that can make doom. Most of the time you will draw the Moonlights and they will be dead in hand since you don't have Alyssa yet.

You're very skill light. This is another common beginner mistake. Skills are very good. They are the grease that keeps the engine of your deck running. 2nd Deduction, 2 Perception, 2 Eureka would go a long way towards making this deck run more smoothly. Some Unexpected Courages are very helpful in true solo too. Maybe Guts for Shrivelling and encounter protection too. Trim some of the assets and events to fit this in.

Daisy badly wants the second Old Book of Lore; it is her powerhouse card. I often run 2 Old Book and 2 Research Librarian to find it ASAP, it is the single most important card in 90% of Daisy decks.

I think if you intend to play a full campaign as solo Daisy, you absolutely need 2 Strange Solutions and to upgrade them into the Acidic Ichor version right away. It is the only decent Seeker 'weapon' in this cardpool, and you will need it for enemy management.

Jul 17, 2022 LotusElise · 7

Thank You! @Soul_TurtleI think you are right in a lot of ways.

Something I can not change - I don't have two 'Shrivelling' and other core sets cards in duplicate.

  1. I want to add second Shrivelling (to try at least) but I'm not really sure the deck need more weapons cards... I miss 'I've got a plan!' all the time... when it is so needed... but +3 base willpower is not cool.
  2. ''You have 4 cards that can handle monsters.' 6 Actually. 2 'Anatomical Diagrams' are base cards to handle not elite monsters.
  3. 'At the very least you probably want the 2nd Shrivelling since it is the only reliable/reusable weapon you can choose from.' Yes, but this is not an option with one old style core set.
  4. At least in Curse of the Rougarou 'Alyssa Graham', 'Dr. William T. Maleson', Scrying are mid and late game options, so far I have had no problems with the lack of these cards in 'right time'.
  5. Logical Reasoning... I think I need to try to replace them. Sanity is a big problem as well as willpower (Curse of the Rougarou ) but the main reason to keep them are 'Anatomical Diagrams'. Will try to play with out them... carefully... why not?
  6. Barricade is so cool! This card saved my life a few times and allowed me to accumulate resources and clues.
  7. Yeah Quantum Flux - rip.
  8. Two Moonlight Ritual... I agree with you. The best way to six the problem is to add another Mystic card that can make doom. If there are some useful ones.
  9. 'You're very skill light.' Yeah... You are right. The deck is not 'running' fast... It was and it is a problem. I will think about how to solve this problem and do not lose something else.
  10. I can add second Strange Solutions in next scenario )

Cool.... I'll start working on the mistakes and hope that I can cure Rougarou. So far, I haven't been able to do this. Usually - almost, but in the last 2 rounds before the victory, they defeat me.

Jul 17, 2022 LotusElise · 7

@Soul_Turtle I've replace 'Quantum Flux' and 'Defiance' with 2 'Manual Dexterity'. ll try to play. May be I should try 2 'Defiance' or 'Guts' too cause I do not believe that +2 to base 2 dexterity can give success and 1 card. ...

Jul 17, 2022 LotusElise · 7

although, if it ll be not treachery, but the enemy, then...

Jul 17, 2022 LotusElise · 7

in the end, I came to this- 2263705 . Can't edit or delete this old public version ((