Charlie's Angels and Demons

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PJFrigate · 269

Manipulate Bless and Curse to bring Tristan online fast and for free. Swap Lab Assistants and Medical Students in and out as needed. Assuming you do get Tristan in for free and get Calling In Favors early, this deck has a fairly low cost curve. There's more card draw here than it initially appears.

Charlie will investigate with flashlight, Lab Assistant and skill cards.

With Bonnie and the Blessed Blade, he can fight at 5 once per round to deal with nuisance 1-2 health enemies.

Fast events and assets should help offset his poor action compression.

First upgrade should be the Paradoxical Covenant, which is why I chose Mystic as one of the off-classes. It and Tristan are the big payoffs in this Bless-Curse engine.

Good Synergy card potential.