Norman Banks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Unraveling String Theory (The Norman Withers Question) 15 12 9 1.0

Setzu · 324

This version of Norman is designed for multiplayer groups to be helpful to investigators in his location.

Charles Ross and Alchemical Transmutation pair together to give him an inflated income which he can use to pay down his friends’ equipment costs. If Ross is not forthcoming, Research Librarian draws you your tome (Old Book of Lore to start) and Calling in Favors helps you dig for him.

There’s some flexibility in the choice of level 0 Seeker cards—No Stone Unturned for example was chosen to reinforce his helpfulness to friends nearby, but could stand to lose one or both copies at your discretion—but I would strongly recommend keeping both copies of Mind Over Matter to help balance out Norman’s awful Fight and Evade skills.

For upgrades, I recommend dropping both Magifying Glasses, Delve Too Deep, and one Book of Lore in exchange for two Spirit Athame and some combination of higher level Shriveling and/or Storm of Spirits at the earliest opportunity. One or two Athame in hand does wonders for the consistency of both his Transmutation and offensive spells. Later on you may also consider swapping out Old Book of Lore for the Level 5 Book of Shadows for that third Arcane slot.


Dec 21, 2017 Myriad · 1217

Very clever idea! I think you actually exposed a potential build with Norman I had not even considered.

My idea dealt entirely with the manipulating the encounter deck via Scrying, Ward of Protection and Dr. William T. Maleson. It synergies with his unique asset. But Scrying is somewhat divisive.

Your build offers some potent resource support and in a 3/4 player game it will have a lot of use!

The final build would run Dr. Milan and Arcane Studies for some huge personal buff potential.

Not sure which is "the right build", but the cores are all pretty similar.