Classy Pete

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Oraistesu · 2

Don't let your memes be dreams.


This is a flex Pete deck that I built as a laugh, then played in The Forgotten Age to surprising effectiveness. I built the deck to see what it would look like to have a character with a permanent from each class, fully empowering Call for Backup and Strength in Numbers. With In the Thick of It, we get to start with both in our deck and make use of the four +4 commit skill cards as well. Thanks to Duke, our starting Sanity is more robust than it looks.

Fortunately, the card pool is robust enough that Underworld Support still leaves us with a deck full of pretty good stuff to play. Based on a test run of 100 starting hands, Geared Up is surprisingly powerful the vast majority of the time, though there is a very small risk of it backfiring and leaving you with a weak opening turn. You should always mulligan for a hand of 3+ items.

Forced Learning is fantastic to help smooth out your draws (since your deck is quite eclectic), but be forewarned that it means you're more likely to get hit by Wracked by Nightmares. It's also fairly likely that you'll reshuffle once in many scenarios.

Upgrade Considerations

Backpack (2) is a recommended early upgrade and can lead to some explosive first turns.

I didn't personally get a ton of use out of Madame Labranche or Professor William Webb, so they might be reasonable cards to cut as you level up. Ice Pick is a very strong pickup and highly recommended to add when you can.

Pocket Multi Tool was oftentimes the MVP of the deck, and Makeshift Trap was consistently good, so they're both worth keeping and upgrading to enhance your flexibility.

Nothing Left to Lose was a great addition to the deck and I would recommend it.

Other than that, simply take advantage of Down the Rabbit Hole and just upgrade your good Survivor cards; you should end up ahead a fair bit on experience, which is good since it's going to be spread thin through a fairly large, inconsistent deck.