Blood Mage Agnes Max XP

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Queazymoto · 13

Since reading several decklists on how to break Wendy, I was inspired to do the same with a different investigator. Enter Agnes.

Her Heirloom of Hyperborea combined with her Parallel front ability to cheat the cost of spell events and shuffle them into our deck is what we will build around. The idea is to have just a couple of cards on the top of our deck that we want to play, and continuously play, shuffle, and draw them in a loop.

Game plan: Have Heirloom and Jessica Hyde, a spell event in hand, and a small remaining deck size with most or all of them being spell events. Play the event in hand, paying for it's cost with Agnes and damaging Jessica, shuffling it in afterwards. Draw a card from Hyperborea, and repeat. This unfortunately can only be repeated 2 to 3 times before it gets too costly damage wise, so it's not an infinite loop. But it is a finite value engine that lets you repeatedly use your best spell events.

We facilitate this by using Short Supply to reduce our deck down to 15 after our starting hand, and using Scroll of Prophecies to draw down our deck further, until we get to a comfortable level in our deck size, around 3-5.

To pay for our spells, we use Agnes's ability, Prophetic, and Robes of Endless Night.

To assist with damage mitigation, Jessica Hyde is key. In fact, she should be the first card you buy with experience in order to abuse her ability. She significantly increases the amount of times you can use Agnes's ability, which is important when we cycle spells multiple times.

Main spells to loop: Spectral Razor Read the Signs These are the best investigate and combat spell events available to Agnes, so these will be our main targets.

Other cards:

Salvage and Scrounge for Supplies help recover Hyperborea if it gets discarded by Short Supply, Resourceful gets back Jessica, and Uncage the Soul is there to get back spells we want from the discard pile.

Power Word is a powerhouse. It does everything we want: neutralize an enemy, damage other enemies, and get clues. Plus, it gets passively upgraded with Arcane Research and Down the Rabbit Hole. On that subject, I declined to get 2 of Arcane Research because Agnes's sanity is already low, and I thought starting at 4 sanity is too risky, but if you're a risk taker, feel free to add the second one in.

Sword Cane and Clairvoyance are there for consistency; sword cane is used over other, better attack assets because of slot efficiency; we don't want to really be in a position to need to use asset abilities, but if needed, sword cane can attack or evade.

And lastly, Ward of Protection is an obvious auto-include.


Jan 29, 2023 Monomoon · 1

Sorry, I’m confused. Am I getting it wrong or parallel version doesn’t get access to survival cards?

Jan 29, 2023 Queazymoto · 13

@Monomoon You can mix and match the parallel and original fronts and backs.