Something is rotten in the town of Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Borghal · 90

Deck I made for a 4 player party to go into Dunwich Legacy, intended as the main fighter. Find enemies, kill enemies, loot their pockets to replenish your supplies.

Once you have the basics laid down to feel confident about taking down enemies (mulligan for any weapon and possibly Schoffner's), commit your assets to tests, play the from your discard pile every single time you kill something.

Notable features:

-- Schoffner's Catalogue could almost be Yorick's signature card and serves as a replacement for Emergency Cache. Most of the stuff you need to pay for will be items, and unlike ECache, the Catalogue is itself an item asset. This means that you can not only recur the Catalogue over and over, you can also pay for one catalogue with the resources from another, so with the exception of Allies, you're safe from effects that force you to get rid of resources!

-- Act of Desperation doesn't work with Baseball bat at all, but you'll be getting rid of the bat soon anyway. Otherwise it is Extra Ammo on steroids for anything that uses charges/ammo/supplies. Use up your Enchanted Blade charges, then chuck the sword at the enemy for a high accuracy attack that gives you money to immediately put it back into play fully charged. This gives you a total of 14 2-damage attacks, not counting recurring Act of Desperation.

-- Guard Dog and Bandages is a natural combo. Recurring bandages is cheaper than Guard Dog, can be used to heal you or another player as well, and becomes even better once you replace doggo with Beat Cop (2)

-- Leather Coat vs Cherished Keepsake: auto-include soaks for Yorick, obviously. Who wouldn't want to not worry about dying? But their ratio is up for debate: personally I am partial to taking 2 keepsakes and one or no leather coats, because Yorick has more base health and Guard Dog or Beat Cop can take some hits if necessary, too. If you want to feel unkillable, include two pairs of both.

-- Old Keyring is a cheap flashlight replacement for moments of downtime. If you're very confident in your team's investigation ability without you, throw in an extra teddy bear or jacket instead.

-- First Watch is I believe pretty much an auto-include for 4-player games. This card is simply amazing most of the time. For 1 resource, you get to distribute the encounter cards according to everyone's position, strengths and weaknesses, which can sometimes completely neuter the mythos phase. However, if playing in a 2-3 player team, I would consider On the Hunt instead.

-- Handcuffs is only in the deck because Trish Scarborough is on the team. Handcuff an enemy instead of killing them and Trish can drag them around with her to fire her ability every single round.


Baseball Bat >> Chainsaw : More damage, more icons for skill tests, failsafe instead of breakdown ability and a great target for Act of Desperation. Who wouldn't want to throw some chainsaws?

Guard Dog >> Beat Cop (2) time-tested guardian upgrade, no need to comment except that with 3 health for 4 resources and a passive boost you always want active, beat cop is also a better target for Bandages (3h/2r) than Guard Dog (3h/3r).

Cherished Keepsake >> Plucky (3) this is an upgrade over the teddy bear in every single way. It doesn't take up your accessory slot. It's fast to play if you don't want to wait for an enemy to trigger your ability. It can take one more horror and it has two passive stat boosts, at least one of which is very useful. The ability to spend a resource for or is honestly the least useful thing about this card for Yorick, but may still come in handy. Its 1 point damage soak is more of a downside, but between possible leather jackets and allies, you should not be wanting to take damage to yourself very often. And Yorick's ability neuters the "Composure" problem where these cards never stay alive for long. If it goes down, all you need is an enemy to bring it up again.

Police Badge: with your accessory slot already freed by Plucky, at this point the cards to replace is up to personal preference based on how the campaign went so far. But the badge is very powerful in Yorick's hands in any case. It is an Item and as such can be used to fully pay for with Schoffner's, which in theory means that if you only recurred these two items, you could get an extra 2 actions every second time you killed an enemy, or to put it another way, on average a bonus action for every enemy killed.