Roland Banks - Sleuth Enforcer - Dunwich Legacy update v6

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Roland Banks - Sleuth Enforcer - Dunwich Legacy update v5 4 3 2 5.0
Inspiration for
Roland Banks - Sleuth Enforcer - Miskatonic Museum update 20 13 5 7.0
The Arkham Files 1 0 0 1.0
Roland Banks Butt Kicker 0 0 0 1.0
Roland Banks Butt Kicker 0 0 0 2.0
Roland Banks Butt Kicker 0 0 0 3.0

DadouXIII · 11040

Level 0 cooperative Guardian / Seeker deck for 2 Investigators that relies on Discovering Clues by Defeating Enemies rather than by Investigating Locations, which means both protecting the other Investigator while also contributing to advance the Act deck.

Requires 2 Core Sets and The Dunwich Legacy Deluxe Expansion.

Deck composition :

  • The 5 Weapon Assets in the deck: 1x Roland's .38 Special, 2x .45 Automatic, and 2x Machete, means Drawing one in the opening hand and / or in the subsequent Draws is very likely. As such, Mulliganing for one is recommended. This high firepower, coupled with Roland Banks's signature Ability and the 2x Evidence! Events, means that Discovering Clues is a very fast affair.

  • In case no Enemies are around, or in case Discovering Clues by Investigating Locations is inevitable, the 2x Flashlight Assets and the 2x Deduction Skills are here to make it easier. In case Clues are desperately needed, the 2x Working a Hunch Events will make sure that there is no need to rely on the luck of the Chaos Bag, especially in Locations with high Shroud values.

  • The 2x Vicious Blow, 2x Guts, 1x Overpower, 1x Perception and 2x Unexpected Courage Skills can be used when the proper situations arise, and the 2x Dodge Events will come in handy in case a hard hitting Enemy needs to be tanked for a turn or two.

  • The 2x Emergency Cache Events are also included in the deck to quickly get extra Resources, since all those powerful Guardian Assets are quite costly.

  • The new 2x Shortcut Events will help a lot with mobility, allowing Movement while engaged to Enemies without causing Attacks of Opportunity.

  • Roland Banks's biggest weakness is his low Sanity value, but it can be somewhat compensated by the Sanity provided by the 2x Beat Cop Ally Assets, and the new 2x Laboratory Assistant Ally Assets, which not only soak up Horror, but also guarantee a double card Draw, making them extremely efficient for their low cost in Resource.

General Mulligan guide :

  • If no Weapon Asset was Drawn in the opening hand Mulligan the entire hand.
  • If multiple Weapon Assets were Drawn in the opening hand Mulligan them all except one.

Best Weapon Asset to keep in order Roland's .38 Special > Machete > .45 Automatic.

Example great starting hand [1] Machete, Flashlight, Laboratory Assistant, Deduction and Unexpected Courage.

Example great starting hand [2] .45 Automatic, Beat Cop, Vicious Blow, Evidence! and Emergency Cache.

General playstyle guide :

Roland Banks is a very straightforward Investigator to play, and the general strategy of this deck is: Defeat Enemies Discover Clues .

  • At the start of a Scenario, assuming you have a good starting hand, the first Actions to take should generally be equipping one or two Assets, ideally a Weapon, and then Moving towards a Location with Clues.

If you did not Draw a Weapon even after Mulliganing, prioritise Drawing one rather than Moving.

  • Always try to end your turn on a Location with Clues, ideally one with a high Shroud value, with the hope of Drawing an Enemy from the Encounter deck. That way, you'll be able to Defeat the Enemy using your Weapon, and Discover a Clue thanks to Roland Banks's signature Ability (only ONE Clue per round).

Play the Evidence! Event after Defeating an Enemy to Discover TWO Clues from your Location.

  • Only Investigate Locations if you did not Draw an Enemy from the Encounter deck, ideally with a Flashlight Asset equipped.

Commit the Deduction Skill to the Intellect () test while Investigating a Location to have a chance of Discovering TWO Clues.

  • Manage your Resources carefully, try not to go down to zero so you can still play Fast cards like the Dodge and Evidence! Events when needed.
  • Plan when to use the Emergency Cache Event in advance.

Gaining a Resource should generally be the lowest priority Action, so only do it when there is nothing else to do.

  • Drawing a Card is generally not as good as Moving, Fighting or Investigating, but it's generally better than Gaining a Resource.

If you ever need to Draw a card, make sure it is the first Action of your turn.

  • Keep a close eye on Roland Banks's Sanity, as it is quite low. Equip your Ally Assets to use them as Horror shields.

The Laboratory Assistant's Ability is irrelevant in this deck, Play it for the double card Draw and don't be afraid to assign Horror to it, discard it, and make room for the next Ally Asset.

  • Stay close to your partner, try to not find yourselves on the opposite ends of the Scenario map, especially if they are bad at Fighting Enemies.

If you need to Defeat an Enemy Engaged to your partner, it is generally better to Engage it first, especially if you have a Machete Weapon Asset equipped.

  • Take the time to PLAN your turns, every Action counts.
  • Seeing as every Scenario is different, adapt your strategy accordingly.

The deck is quite cheap when it comes to Actions, as about half of the playable cards are Fast, which makes it quite adaptable.

General upgrade guide :

Deck weaknesses :

  • Roland Banks's personal Cover Up Weakness, one of the most difficult to resolve in the game Mitigated by all the cards that help with Gathering Clues from Locations.
  • Roland Banks's extremely low Sanity value Mitigated by the Ally Assets that help soak up Horror.
  • Roland Banks's low Agility () stat Mitigated by his very high Health value. It is therefore generally better to Fight Enemies rather than Evade them.
  • Roland Banks's lacklustre mobility Mitigated by the new Shortcut Event.

Card alternatives :

Depending on the scenario or your own preference, it is possible to shift Roland Banks's focus more towards Investigating Locations rather than Defeating Enemies, by replacing the following cards:

Situational cards that might be worth including depending on the scenario:

Changes from previous versions :

  • Removed the 2x Hyperawareness and 2x Physical Training Assets, as they have both shown themselves to be too slow and / or too costly in Resources and Actions to be worth it, seeing as the deck already includes other costly Assets.

  • Removed 2x Dynamite Blast Events which proved to be too slow, too expensive and too situational to be worth it.

  • Removed 2x First Aid Assets, as they ended up being too slow. Equipping Ally Assets is much more cost and time effective, as their Health and Sanity values effectively add up to Roland Banks's, all for ONE Action.

  • Replaced 2x Guard Dog Ally Assets by 2x Beat Cop Ally Assets, as they have more Sanity, which makes them more valuable to Roland Banks.

  • Added 2x Deduction Skills to accelerate Clue Discovery by Investigating Locations.

  • Added 1x Overpower, 1x Perception and 2x Unexpected Courage Events, which allow for a higher chance of succeeding Tests and Drawing Cards.

  • Added 2x Laboratory Assistant Ally Assets from The Dunwich Legacy Deluxe Expansion to help with Roland Banks's poor Sanity stat and to add card Draw.

  • Added 2x Shortcut Events from The Dunwich Legacy Deluxe Expansion to help with Roland Banks poor mobility.

Feb 12, 2017 bullettrang · 13

Awesome write up. You really put a lot of effort into it. I know you are probably right but I wish I could include a dynamite. Roland is just so poor though....

Have you tried this deck out yet? what resolutions did you get?

Feb 13, 2017 DadouXIII · 11040

I included Dynamite Blast in the 'Card alternatives' section of the write up as a good situational option. It's not my favourite, because as you said Roland Banks is quite poor, but including one copy instead of, let's say Working a Hunch, would still be perfectly viable.

Alternatively, you could also tech into it in between scenarios if you know what's coming next, for example, in between scenario 2 and 3 of the Core Box campaign, depending on how well you did in scenario 2 ;)

I can tell you right now that this deck is performing extremely well, it is my 'go to' deck of the moment. With my Agnes coop partner and on the standard difficulty, we consistently clear the Core Box campaign with 6/6 Cultists interrogated and the Ritual disrupted, and we easily get R2 on both scenarios in the Dunwich Legacy campaign. It's not as consistent on the Hard setting, but you know how huge the difference in difficulty is, so I chalk it up mostly to bad RNG when drawing Encounter cards, and we do still get very good results.

My favourite thing about this deck, is just how cheap in Actions it is: you'll find that more than half of the cards are either Fast or Skill, so you're quite free to move around, engage, attack and investigate :)

Feb 14, 2017 bullettrang · 13

Yeah I agree. Have you check out the new cards in Miskatonic? Smoke pipe and the new seeker level 1card are must haves for Roland.

Feb 14, 2017 DadouXIII · 11040

@bullettrang: Yeah I did, I'm not sure how good "I've got a plan!" will be in this current incarnation of the deck, seeing as Roland Banks already has plenty of ways to dish out damage. But I can see another version of this deck with more emphasis on Seeker cards, where it will fit perfectly :)

As for Smoking Pipe, yeah it will definitely work in the deck. Just have to think about which card to replace :)

Feb 14, 2017 bullettrang · 13

Sorry I should have been more specific . I meant pathfinder . It's a free movement and half the cost of Leo de Luca . Usable shortcut pretty much !

Feb 14, 2017 DadouXIII · 11040

It could replace one of the Shortcut, not sure yet if I would include 2x of them, will require testing.