Private Diamond Reporting to duty

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AricDeDacie · 7

For the investigators that needs to go to the bottom of things and are not afraid to play lose with the rules, or break a few limbs "questionning" some cultists and wrongdoers that you may encounter Joe Diamond is the fellow you are looking for. His ability do dish out damages and discover clues is quite impressive thanks to his stats line and his side deck that ensures you a supply of additional cards but you really have to keep in mind that most treachery challenging your willpower or agility will be a very problematic threat to your investigation. Speaking of your side deck getting low cost cards that are of use in most situations (getting clues, moving, improving your stats) and fast if possible.


Dec 01, 2023 AricDeDacie · 7

The side deck consists of Conseils written in the stars Le Pouvoir de l'Esprit Suivre son Intuition and Raccourci