Ghost Hunter Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CuttlefishBeyondTheStars · 74

This was a deck for my first run of The Circle Undone, paired with Daisy as cluever. The goal was to smite evil and protect my bookish wizard friend with thorns and soak, and it did that! It was definitely not optimal for the campaign since there were a lot of turns with nothing to fight and I was zero help at getting clues (especially with the campaign Haunted mechanic). On the other hand, useless turns were often spent gaining resources that I could then spend on Physical Training, which was extremely useful.

This deck was a lot of fun! The Lonnie Ritter/Hunter's Armor engine only went off once or twice, but it did work well. I probably could have made it more consistent with search cards, but I had enough Thorns that the deck was still consistently doing what it was supposed to, even if not in the same way every scenario. Guard Dog was extremely helpful for this, as was of course Survival Knife and Counterpunch.

As for what I would do differently, I would have preferred to upgrade more of my events. Heroic Rescue (2) especially was high on my intended list, but the logistics of proxying when we lost the first copy and forgot to print it the second time pushed it out. There was an early scenario where the extra location distance would have made a big difference, especially as I never got Safeguard out. I probably should have upgraded more events instead of taking Enchant Weapon. Brand of Cthugha was an excellent choice, but with that and Enchanted Blade as my main player-phase weapons, I didn't actually have an arcane slot to enchant anything.

Next time I play The Circle Undone I will definitely build flexier, but this was an extremely fun deck that got its job done. I could do better, but I would 100% play it again.