Leo, His Sled Dogs, and a Skull

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

timbuch · 1

Combined Leo with two of his logical play styles: Sled Dogs, and the Decorated Skull! Includes 12 allies, 2x Rod of Animalism (for the 4 Sled Dogs and 2 Guard Dogs), Charisma, as well as 2x Beat Cops and 2x Tetsuo Mori for use with the Skull. The Star will boost all the ally stats if it's drawn, and if not... who cares; we have a skull! Will need 8xp to start with, then buy In the Thick of It to boost to 11xp. Side deck includes possible upgrades or other options to consider.