Daisy Walker (Tina suggestions)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Christina.j.crouch · 1

Setting Daisy up for a 3P game with Wendy and Skids with two copies of core.

Rationale: Use Daisy as a clue hoover, and occasional spell-caster. Try and get Tote bag out so I can hold Encyclopaedia, Med Texts and OBoL (could potentially add Mag glass for a fourth hand item). OBoL: Helps me fish for Encyclopaedia (help others or me with skill tests), or to help Wendy fish for her Amulet, or Skids for a Weapon or Leo, Shrivelling (for fighting, combined with Holy Rosary for +1 Will), and Scrying to potentially stack the Encounter Deck so as to fit the encounters to the best investigators). Medical texts to heal myself (with poor health), or Skids if he is fighting. Milan Christopher buffs my investigating with giving a resource, so improves action efficiency. Research Librarian is my B choice to Milan Christopher, so only one copy, but would help me pull much needed tomes, especially after a forced drop of the first copy. Bulletproof vest makes Daisy a lot harder, which is good because she isn't that brilliant at fighting or evading, so its good to help her deal with the encounter deck. Mind over Matter allows her to compensate for her bad fight or evade by using her much better investigate. Ward of Protection helps protect her nasty effects from the Encounter Deck, and she can afford the sanity. Could be good for locked doors! Deduction enhances her clue hoover efficiency with finding an extra clue. Guts adds willpower icons to help with Shrivelling skill tests, similar Fearless. Unexpected Courage for its double ?? for skill tests.

Ones I am not totally settled on yet are arcane studies and blinding light (only got two arcane slots).