Sled Dog Charlie Supreme

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SunnyExtraordinaire · 2

I remade one of my favorite self-made decks I've played. Sled Dogs Charlie. This time I don't force in more creature assets then the ones I really need, and its been refined to get the Sled Dogs in faster.

Rod of Animalism is key in the deck. It provides a nice discount for all of the Sled Dogs (Plus Miss Doyle and Company). But more so, ally slots for the sled dogs to take up. So Tetsuo Mori and Elli Horowitz both exist to be ways to find it. Tetsuo if both get milled by Short Supply. Elli fetching from the deck. Them, along side Bonnie, The Sled Dogs, and Miss Doyle (Along some other cards) are all draw able off of Kirby with odd declared. The consist 3 cost on allies also means Motivation speech is also a perfect discount.

Outside of Kirby, all the allies are roughly the same resource cost. Making it unlikely that I can't find something for free off of a Calling In Favors. Obviously, the ideal target for it would be Kirby himself, since It allows me to reuse his card draw.

With 2 resourceful and scrounge for supplies. It is unlikely that short supply discards in a way where I can't start getting pieces from my discard.

Charlie Kane is really good at doing at least one test safely per round. There for, Bianca "Die Katz" is some nice burst resources on turns I don't need to do as much, and she can be refilled by Calling in Favors.

Fortuitous Discovery, Winging It, and Improvised Weapon are all the ideal short supply hits. These are all forms of action compression the original version struggled with. Fighting outside of the large sled dog attack, and getting clues especially.

(Btw Hope, Zeal, and Augur are all allies as well, thus able to be exhausted for skill value)

This deck doesn't really have a strong upgrade path much like the last version of it. However, it does have a lot of strength in the early scenarios and Utility in the later ones. Probably best played as the 3 or 4th investigator


Jun 06, 2024 NightSamu · 20

Nice deck, I like the idea of Sled Dogs generally and well, Charlie is the best to use that. One quick question though: why do you use short supply? Shouldn't that be very risky, even with Scrounge for Supplies, since you cannot draw Rod of Animalism from your discard? Worst Case scenario: both rods get discarded at start of game. I probably wouldn't take it, even though it has nice synergy with the events.

Jun 06, 2024 SunnyExtraordinaire · 2

`@NightSamu That is what Tetsuo is for, he can get the Rod from your discard for you. And he himself can be recovered from the discard with scourge, which can be recovered with resourceful

Jun 06, 2024 NightSamu · 20

Aaah, that's a nice way to recover it!