The Trials of holy Father Mateo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PetsOnTheRocks · 43

This build is meant to play in a multiplayer environment with at least 3+ players. It concentrates on getting clues and protecting investigators against mythos encounter cards. Completely ignoring evading and fighting so the expectation is that other players can deal with enemies and or save father Mateo from enemies.

Side deck is built around purely upgrading your spells as fast as possible making use of x2 Arcane Research and x1 Down the Rabbit Hole shenanigans.

Important to note that this build expects other investigators to contribute into putting bless tokens into chaos bag as father Mateo is not able to singlehandedly keep the bag topped. In my play group we managed to keep 8+ bless tokens in the bag almost all the time making heavy use of Sacred Covenant. Crazy stuff can be done this way using Rite of Sanctification and Blessing of Isis.

Upgrade priorities IMHO to concentrate on upgrading your clue gathering spells and protection spells first. After that do as you like.

Mulligan priority is to get clue gathering spells into your hand or at least to get Arcane Initiate to your hand. Everything else is secondary.

Resources for father Mateo come from Voice of Ra and Rite of Sanctification.

Father Mateo's Elder Sign ability can be fished using Olive McBride and Blessing of Isis. Works surprisingly well. Please note that Blessing of Isis also works for other investigators. Same for Rite of Sanctification. Like a real man of the cloth:)

Father Mateo's ability to cancel auto-fail token: Define specific use case when you want to use it. It is easy to fall into never using it but actually this is a very powerful and useful ability. I defined two cases for myself: a) When someone is committing a huge amount of cards to a skill test where only auto-fail would fail, then use it and never look back; b) In case life of death situation if you still have it available. Never feel remorse for using this ability. It is really powerful.