Higher-educated underworld-supported cheese-relics hunter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Naathim · 7

This deck is heavily inspired by Quick Learner's parallel Monty deck, which was used for his RtTFA playthrough.

The general is idea is very simple: we investigate (a lot) and we parley (a lot). We also need tons of money as our play is going to be heavy on the events and their circulation.

Lockpicks can be easily replaced with the Thieves Kit.

Since we cannot have more that 2 allies, Lola and Dr Milan are our go-tos. Leo de Luca has to be rather quickly replaced, but his role will be taken a bit by the Eon Chart, Haste, Quick Thinking, Nimble and Testing Sprint. Testing sprint might also be replaced by Swift reflexes, depending on how the map is for the scenario.

To play solo, I would replace the Scrying Mirror with the British Bulldog, just to have some more combat available. You handle this one is also not going to work, so probably Lone Wolf could replace it easily. Pilfer also does not have a lot of solo play value: Breaking and Entering can come instead.

Optionally you can consider Sparrow Mask instead of the Fox Mask. With the Holy Rosary you can try to at least pass some willpower tests, having your Dream Essence in hand.