Alessandra, Princess of Parlance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

arkhamdbactLoki · 2

Alessandra Zorzi is really a pretty niche investigator but is able to exploit some of the very good tech that rogues came into during Hemlock Vale including things like Eldritch Tongue, Stir the Pot, and Bewitching).

The deck spends a lot of resources so Gregory Gry is a great way to start out until you can swap him out for Chuck Fergus later on.

This version of the deck excels at dealing with non-elite enemies, especially when you can find room for experienced British Bull Dog and another great card from Hemlock Vale, Eyes of Valusia; which combos particularly well with Alessandra's additional parley action.

Fox Mask is good but I recommend switching it out for Eyes of Valusia at your earliest opportunity, and once you add Bewitching and upgrade Power Word, You could pare down to 1 copy each of experienced Stir the Pot, and Vamp to make room for The Gold Pocket Watch.