Desperate Dark Presence Pete (Solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Dark Horse Duke (Solo) - Updated (my best solo deck) 859 705 59 7.0
Inspiration for
None yet

dogzbody · 14

My take on the desperate dark horse deck for ashcan pete. It's been upgraded as I just completed the house always wins.

I wasn't a fan of leather coat and I enjoy the synergy of inspiring presence with several of the allys, so I cut one vicious blow and magnefying glass to include them. I aslo included unexpected courage as a replacement for leather coat.

I intend to upgrade pete and lucky, ive purchased charisma with my first 3 xp. I'm also looking at getting True Survivor in as it's interactions with Inspiring Presence are brilliant.