Sef flexes her wallet for BusterCon 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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nitrous-acrostic · 23

A flex Sefina for multiplayer at BusterCon 2024.
I don't know folks, it's a totally untested Underworld Support/Big-Money deck with Crystallizer of Dreams. I never play Green but am trying to get out of my "Just build the off-class Mystics as a Mystic"; but I love Stargazing and cancellation, sorry not-sorry?
And as an IronMan teammate said: "You gotta bring at least a little jank or you didn't get the fullest experience of the con."
Side-boarding Unexpected Courage to swap out Promise of Power, and Emergency Cache to swap out for Faustian Bargain, for those Curse averse tables.