Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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jorae · 34
The deck i took through 'the circle undone', a 4 player campaign where the other investigators where Jacqueline Fine, Lily Chen and Joe Diamond.
First purchase was Underworld Market. The cards used for it where usually 2x Lockpicks, 2x Damning Testimony, Finn's Trusty .38, 2x Mauser C96, Hidden pocket. Other cards like Embezzled Treasure and I'll take that! were also there, based on which cards got upgraded in/out.
I managed to have either lockpicks or Damning Testimony in play in the first or second turn every game. I was a good flex, picking up some clues here and there, and taking care of some ennemies otherwise. Evading big boss monsters came in quite convenient a couple of times.
Caught Red-handed was just annoying. Almost everytime it had to be shuffled back into my deck. And so often i drew it just after evading a creature. But as that creature was still in the same locations as me, it still got shuffled back into the deck, and i had to do another evade. Unspeakable Oath was a non-issue. Everytime i had it, it was easy to find a quick moment where i could spare an action for a quick investigate and drop it.
I regret not upgrading Lucky Cigarette Case sooner than i did. So often did i draw a weakness (CAUGHT RED HANDED) with the level 0 version, while the level 3 version would have let me choose between good options.
Copycat was amazing. In this game the other players had some great skills, such as deduction, vicious blow, Inquiring Mind, Steadfast, Guts, many of which got upgraded. whenever i drew it, there were so many good options for its use, and every time i used it, it was to great success.
Really fun deck, just wished i drew Lola Santiago a bit more often!