Kendrick Lamar drops a diss track on the mythos

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cheezzywizz · 15

At time of writing, there was literally 0 Lucius Galloway decks published. I don't think this deck is particularly good or interesting. I just wanted to get something out the door so that people can have some reference.

I'm gonna start by saying: I don't think Lucius Galloway's ability is very good. I think on 1p or 2p, it can be solid, allowing you to manage enemies while still getting clues. But on higher player counts, the action spent evading an enemy could be spent investigating, which a) is generally more efficient (with cards like Dr. Milan or Deduction), and b) you'll need to do anyway with most locations having a minimum of 3 clues. Compare this to someone like Trish who can much more consistently get 1 clue every round, since all you need is for an enemy to exist at your location. Or compare it to Ursula, who can get a free investigate just by moving, and there are WAY more sources of free moves than free evades. Plus, if you fail an investigate, the penalty is generally low, whereas failing an evade means there's an enemy still on you.

The deck is simple: draw cards, get clues. With LCC, and Book of Verse, you can draw 2 additional cards per turn. Grim Memoir helps draw another 4. Artistic Inspiration and Book of Verse help to hit the "succeed by 2" as consistently as possible.

The deck also makes a ton of money: Dr. Milan is one resource every turn. Thieves' Kit lets you investigate at base 6 and net 3 resources while doing so. "I'll take that!" isn't direct cash in your pocket, but it is an excellent card: you get a free card play along with a (potentially big) discount, all for the cost of super succeeding at an investigate (the exact thing you were doing all along!)

Going forward, priority upgrades, in no particular order are:

  • Steady-Handed [1] -- With 2 , give up the hope of ever passing a test. With a signature weakness that targets horror and reshuffles, Steady-Handed will help make sure to keep you healthy. Plus it's yet another way to hit that "succeed by 2" target.
  • Pickpocketing [2] -- Remember when I said that evading is less efficient than just investigating? Well Pickpocketing helps sweeten the deal. With both copies in play, you're looking at an additional 2 card and 2 resources every round.
  • GenĂ© Beauregard [5] -- Just a really good card. +1 to both stats you care about. A way to move enemies around such that you can move them away for breathing room OR closer to you so you can evade them as needed.
  • Microscope [4] -- On high player counts, you should be able to get a lot of charges really fast, and get up to 4 clues for 2 actions.