The Stars Where Right!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CATS · 2

The Stars Where Right!

...only, they weren't. Norman watched the the various star constellations through the telescope of the MU Observatory every night, but lately he couldn't make any sense of them. What was happening up there to cause such celestial movements? He knew that the light took time to travel to Earth and that what he was seeing was actually the past. What if the stars he was seeing every night where already gone? Winked out of existence? Was he seeing the dying lights of a universe that already had ended? Was everything he was seeing out there actually empty space?

No! He wouldn’t believe that! Norman had another theory, one that sounded insane, but everything he was seeing in the constellations pointed to this uncanny revelation. Everything happened in cycles, so what he was seeing where not the lost lights of aons past, but the lights of a new universe come into existence after this one ended. He was not seeing the past, but the future! And that meant that there was still a chance that this future could be avoided! Norman would let the stars guide him, he would make the right calculations and be at the places he needed to be to find the clues that would help him unravel this mystery and save this universe that was already ending!