Leo, Lightning Gun Maniac (60-ammo Lightning Gun)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheBlackHorror · 17382

This deck does one thing: get a Lightning Gun out with as much ammo as possible, and take as many actions as possible while wielding it. Here's how this works:

(1) Stick to the Plan: Start with Prepared for the Worst, Contraband, and Extra Ammunition (you may start with an Emergency Cache instead if you're feeling lucky).

(2) Get your Lightning Gun out and load it up. Use Venturers and Extra Ammo to beef up the ammo, then use Contraband to double it. Lightning Gun starts with 3 ammo. Use Extra Ammunition to bring it to 6, Contraband doubles it to 12. Another Contraband doubles it again to 24. Now, if you have Mitch out, you can get up to 2 Venturers out at the same time. Each round you can pump 2 extra ammo into the Lightning Gun. If you are in a final boss scenario and can wait a few rounds, you might be able to pump up the Lightning Gun to somewhere around 8 or 9 charges before Contrabanding it up to 18. Another Contraband from there is 36 charges.

Best case scenario: Lightning Gun (3 ammo), Extra Ammo (+3) and Extra Ammo (+3) brings it up to 9 ammo. If you have 2 Venturers out and use all 3 of their charges, that's another +6, for 15 ammo. Contraband doubles it to 30, another Contraband doubles it to 60 ammo. Why you will ever need this much, I don't know. But not much will stand in your way, that's for sure.

Zeus, eat your heart out.

The other cards in this deck are more tools in your toolbox. Calling in Favors helps you dig for Venturers; Police Badges (which replace Decorated Skulls in the lower level deck), Leo de Luca, and Quick Thinking give you more actions, while Sleight of Hand allows you to whip out your Lightning Gun for a single round to blast enemies, while you accumulate resources. Watch This! and Double or Nothing (hopefully combined with Quick Thinking) will help you generate some money. Machete and Vicious Blow are in there to tide you over until you find your Lightning Gun.


Jun 02, 2018 Myriad · 1217

Nice build! I think you could also largely port this over to Zoey or Skids with only a few small changes (losing Prepared for the Worst really hurts Skids the Skids build), but it is probably best in Leo.

I also like the basis for this build with Roland to stock up his .38, but you will lose out on Contraband, Sleight of Hand, Watch this!, DoN and Quick Thinking along with Leo. It still might be worth a look though, just because of how boss a weapon the .38 special is. Maybe if a partner ran 2x contraband, teamwork or Charles Ross to help bankroll you it would be possible.

Anyway, thanks for the overview. I love the deck and the shell that it creates. Can't wait to try it out.

Jun 02, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17382

Thank you @Myriad! I think you're right, though Leo's deckbuilding allows him to take all the best cards :)

Motux and a few others have also suggested throwing in an Eat Lead! for additional fun.

I tried a lower-xp version of this deck paired with Ursula through Night of the Zealot, with basically two Lightning Guns, a lv2 .45 Automatic, an Extra Ammunition, Charon's Obol, Adaptable, and Charisma by the time he hit The Devourer Below. Everything else was at level 0 (with Decorated Skulls instead of Police Badges).

By the time Leo and Ursula finally faced Umordhoth, Leo had Mitch, 2x Venturers, and 2x Beat Cops out. He used Contraband to up his Lightning Gun ammo from 11 to 22, then stepped into the fray. Ursula used her Gold Pocketwatch to repeat the phase, letting Leo zap Umordhoth 3 more times (Ursula contribued with I've Got A Plan). When the smoke cleared, Leo still had 18 ammo left over.

I should have named this deck Leo Stallone xD

As a point of note, getting to this point can be slow without Stick to the Plan!

Jun 06, 2018 Django · 5032

"Skids" O'Toole, can't play Lightning Gun, do you think the .45 Automatic 2 or .41 Derringer 2 (extra action) is worth it to build a deck around with 3 for him?

Jun 06, 2018 haggim · 1

I don't think you are able to collect 35 experience points through the whole campaign and if you like to use this deck in standalone mode you must collect another 3 Basic Weakness. Or am I wrong?

Jun 06, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17382

@DjangoI have also tried this with the .45 Automatic lv 2, and really liked it. the +2 on your skill test and no retaliate is very good, especially on Hard. And you could certainly build a deck around the Derringer lv2 to utilize its extra actions.

HOWEVER, in Skids, you may want to consider building toward the Chicago Typewriter. He can also take Eat Lead! :)

Jun 06, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17382

@haggim It's definitely possible to get 35 experience by the last scenario of a campaign, especially in Carcosa, and definitely if Leo picked up Charon's Obol after the first scenario.

You can always use a pared down 25-xp version of this deck by omitting the 2x Police Badges (saves 4xp) in favor of Lv0 Decorated Skulls, going with 2x Leo DeLucas lv0 (saves 2xp), and 2x Vicious Blows lv0 (saves 4xp).

You can also do this deck without Stick to the Plan (saves 6xp), but you'll rely on more luck to keep your Lightning Guns charged. That gets the deck down to 19xp, which you should be able to achieve after 3-4 Carcosa scenarios (especially with the Obol, which I did not include in this decklist).

Jun 16, 2018 Spector · 1

Also with the new set, Marksman seems very good here.

Jun 18, 2018 Vericon151 · 1

I like the thinking...even if the resource cost is a but overwhelming...and the required experience is nothing I have ever gotten.

Still the idea of getting the lightning gun above 4 ammo is great. And this should work for something like the shotgun. (extra ammo...double...10 shot Boom Stick!)

Sleight of Hand is a sneaky use for sure...many times you only need to use a big gun once and 1 resource to rent it is a deal. Bear in mind with my luck the second I deploy it is the second I draw lose assets...

I think you had too many allies in your example...Mitch takes up an Ally slot no? So you had 5 allies out of the 4 you could have (just one Charisma + 2 Mitch + 1 normal).

Oct 16, 2018 spoth3d · 4

I'm thinking of taking a variant of this deck, with LvL 2 .45s and Custom ammunition instead of the Lightning Gun. Thanks for posting.

Aug 23, 2022 ThomasSwan · 7

How do you get enough resources to play all of this