Daisy Walker, Command Center Cloover

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dagorha · 611

This is the sample decklist that i used to post on the Arkham Horror LCG subreddit. Within is a write up about a very specific kind of Cloover, called a Command Center Cloover. I hope you enjoy it and would appreciate the feedback.

What Is a Command Center Cloover? - Essentially they are Cloovers who like to camp on certain locations, whether they be central hubs or just the starting point, and gather clues from there. It works because there are certain Seeker cards that allow an investigator to pick up clues from other locations they aren't on or simply move clues to your locations. They work best in large teams of 3 or 4 players as it allows them to have a bodyguard until they can set up and allow for locations to be flipped quicker.

You Might Like This Style If:

  1. You don't like moving
  2. Want a novel approach to investigation.
  3. Like playing with "Secrets"
  4. Like playing 2nd Campaigns with your characters

You Might Not Like This Style If:

  1. You need to play optimally at all times
  2. You want to be the main Cloover for your team
  3. You want your build to be complete right out of the gate in Campaign mode.
  4. You hate heavy setup

Key Cards: Deciphered Reality, In the Know, Barricade(3) and Seeking Answers

The Upgrade Path: When playing in Campaign mode, you'll probably start as a normal Cloover who darts around the board and picking up clues as they go. Prioritize "In the Know" first as that will allow you to investigate at other locations. After that, prioritize Barricade(3), No Stone Unturned(5) and Deciphered Reality. The former will allow you a strong defense against enemy monsters, the middle will act as In the Know 3&4, and the latter is an additional combo piece of sorts. After that, Cryptic Research will help find the combo pieces faster and Eidetic Memory can become copies of Deciphered Reality and Truth From Fiction. By this point though, you'll likely need a whole other Campaign in order to fully realize the build.

When Mulliganing, Keep: In the Know, No Stone Unturned, Cryptic Research, and Dr. Milan

Playing the Deck: The first thing to identify is whether or not setting up a Command Center is even a viable strategy in this scenario. There are many times when it's simply not possible like in Essex County Express. Fortunately those aren't all that common but there are many scenarios that require you to be at specific locations to advance the act deck. Keep this in mind when deciding where to set up. After that, the key is to keep someone around you to long enough to get a Barricade(3) up while your other companions play a traditional game of Arkham Horror the Card Game. Once you have that and preferably In the Know, you should be off to the races. The key to playing this build is communication, sometimes you're going to hold onto cards that allow you to pick off locations nearby so it behooves of other players to not deplete locations all at once. It's also wise for the players to reveal as many locations as early as they can because it grants extra power to Deciphered Reality when it comes up. To reiterate, communication is key. Minh also adds an extra wrinkle to this game plan with her unique asset, which allows her to commit cards to other players. Some may want to lean more heavily into this aspect then strictly be a Cloover, but that choice is entirely up to you.

Final Thoughts: This deck is pretty far from the ideal cloover. It is far easier for a cloover to just run around locations and snatch up multiple clues off a location in a single turn. It also requires significantly less XP investment. Still, this is an entirely unique way to play and I think it's a couple good low level asset cards away from being decent at lower exp counts. You're also highly likely to turn some heads at your table when you try to explain what exactly you're playing if they're not aware of this deck style.


Dec 26, 2018 FractalMind · 42

That's a lot of xp. My advice would be to prune this deck to the bare minimum required to run an effective CCC, give ideas for additional upgrades, and repost.