Undoing the Circle through Logical Reasoning...and whiskey!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

soakman · 25

A Carolyn deck that is primarily devoted to getting clues and providing support. She will be paired with Diana and Rita, so hopefully the enemies will be able to be taken by someone else.

There are a couple of mini combos. Peter is a resource engine so long as there are sources of horror; Forbidden knowledge is included to this end if needed in place of one of the more traditional emergency cache options.

Shrewd analysis is for the translated ancient stone that will be purchased later.

Delay the Inevitable could potentially be used to drop dynamite on her own location while canceling the effect if needed. The thermos is for the problem that inevitable traumas will bring up later.

She will need protecting, but it would be unwise for Carolyn to be on her own anyway to maximize her potential.

Wish us luck!

Alternatives might include replacing Milan Christopher for a 2nd St. Hubert's Key as Carolyn's economy is already high. Or a 2nd copy of Forbidden knowledge to work Peter's self-healing more reliably (or over more turns) for even more resource generation.

Upgrades: Well-Prepared 2 xp (mostly due to Hypnotic therapy, but all of her assets are will or int pips which is what she'll be using most).

Ancient Stone (2 copies): 2 xp, then 3 more for 2 copies due to shrewd analysis. This will also offer 2 will pips for well prepared.

Peter Sylvestre (2): for the extra willpower and agility.

Magnifying glass (1): this will be nice to pull out and put away as your fingerprint kits and later ancient stones get used up.

Keen Eye (3): A permanent that is fueled by the extra resources you should have at your disposal that can help with investigation tests when you can't seem to find your fingerprint kit or you magnifying glass.

Death XIII (1): For the extra int.

Always welcome, but not priority picks:

Pathfinder (1)

In the Know (1)


Feb 08, 2019 roboraygun · 1

@soakman7 I don't think Carolyn can use Ancient Stone. Its a level 4 Seeker card and shes only allowed to use lvl 0 or lvl 1s (at least the new expansion version).

Feb 08, 2019 roboraygun · 1

(nvm, about my last comment, I thought you meant the lvl 4 horror healing one at first and forgot the lvl 1 stone!)

Feb 09, 2019 soakman · 25

Exactly! And since Shrewed Analysis only targets cards that are within your deck requirements, you are guaranteed to get 2 copies of Minds in Harmony at the cost of 1!

Feb 09, 2019 soakman · 25

Since Minds in Harmony is a card that heals horror, Carolyn can include it once the lvl 1 stone is identified. She can take any card that heals horror lvl 0-5.