I like this card. Well, maybe not like; I kind of hate it, but I like that I hate it so much. It's a well designed enemy. With 4 Combat, 3 Health, and 2 Damage, this is a beefy fellow that makes even combat-focused investigators wonder if he's worth the ammo, charges, actions, and/or cards to put him down. He's easy to evade, but the Hunter keyword means he's just going to keep dogging you around the map, making your life miserable. Then the card text offers a way out and forces you to do some calculations about whether dropping the clue and picking it up will speed you up overall, leaving aside the times when you actually want a clue on the ground for Inquiring Mind, Roland's weakness, or other shenanigans. And it's got a great flavor -- you're casing a gloomy, decaying town and some local tough keeps following you around, keeping an eye on you, and making you nervous. Can you afford to make a ruckus? Can you afford to not?
Humanoid. Hybrid. Criminal.
Карти контактів
Fight: 4.
Health: 3.
Evade: 2.
Damage: 2.
Horror: –.
Spawn - Location with the most clues.
Place 1 of your clues on your location: Parley. Exhaust Innsmouth Troublemaker. It does not ready during the next upkeep phase. This ability may be triggered by an investigator at a connecting location.
Matt Dixon
The Innsmouth Conspiracy #105. The Locals #1-2.

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