Please keep in mind that this is indeed a terror card, and as such it can be thought about real hard to get rid of. Most likely not the most efficent use of Logical Reasoning, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Curse. Terror.
Revelation - Put Innsmouth Look into play in your threat area.
You get -1 and -1 sanity, and you gain the Deep One trait.
: Test (3). If you succeed, discard Innsmouth Look.

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Some maladies you die with, some you die of. We spawned a few of these during our run through Innsmouth, and if they’re on the rogue or the guardian, they don’t do much harm. Most mystics won’t care either. The deck is fierce, and this one can stay with you all game, and if you’re investigating with lockpicks or a spell, it probably isn’t worth the action to get rid of. (There’s a similar treachery in the forgotten age, but that campaign does a lot more direct damage and it gets harder and harder to remove. This one stays a static three unless your willpower also goes down.)
On the seeker though, this can be disastrous, and word of protection or guts will help you get rid of it.