This card is excellent in a Preston Fairmont deck, taking advantage of his base value of 1 in each skill. Since he's likely to be mitigating those with cards like Dark Horse and Lola Santiago, Preston can use this on a skill test that he's likely to pass and still put several tokens in the bag.
Practiced. Blessed.
XP: 2.
Commit only to a skill test you are performing, and only if the difficulty of that test is higher than your base skill value.
After you commit Signum Crucis to a skill test, add X tokens to the chaos bag. X is the difference between the test's difficulty and your base skill value.
Latest Taboo
Costs -2 additional experience.

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Repeatable with Silas on high shroud locations for a steady stream of lots of bless tokens. Since it takes effect after being committed rather than after resolution, Silas can reap the benefit turn after turn. Maybe you'll even start succeeding on some of those investigates!
Double Quick Learner + double Drawing Thin + Signum Crucis on a base shroud 4 for example adds 10-[base intellect] bless tokens(you might miss the fact that it's still comparing to your base value, your passive buffs or commited icons do not change this). Pretty sick.
And why would I wanna do this you ask? Because Ancient Covenant is extremely strong, and the more people in your team that can take it the more attractive this gets.
This card may interact very interestingly with the sorta newly added card Burn After Reading with the latest taboo. Since the cost to re-aquire the card now is 0 but the card still is considered level two for any other purpose this card can now make the doom removal of Burn After Reading possible without spending other xp than the one on Burn After Reading.
It probably wont create huge ripples in and of itself, but it may lead to exile decks using Burn After Reading coming online a bit earlier or making the cost of the combo a lot cheaper xp-wise.
Wondering how this interacts with cards that test at a different base skill value.
E.g. Amanda Sharpe attacking a strength 4 or 5 enemy with a Strange Solution.
The wording on strange solution says to attack “with a base skill value of 6”; and signum crucis wording says “your base skill value”
So is “your base skill value” the value of the attack (6) or does “your” refer to your investigator (so in this case the base value would be 2)
I’m reckoning “your” and “a” are one and the same thing here: namely the unmodified skill value of the test you are taking which in this case is 6… so strange solution wouldn’t enable Amanda to commit this card to a test.
But I’m just checking to see what people think cos it would be quite a sweet turn to spend 3 actions doing 9 damage to a nasty enemy while also loading 6 or so bless tokens into the bag.
Playing off taboo list, this card reliably syncs with drawing thin.
Draw a hard test in mythos you have no chance of passing? Add +4 to it and play this. You end with a ton of money and a Good bit of bless generation to boot.
Unfortunately though this situation rarely happens, and most of the time you're better off just using Keep Faith.
Playing on taboo since drawing thin is nerfed and this is now level 0, it can still be useful for blessing generation... but ultimately keep faith still outperforms it.
Using with Amanda Sharpe deck and investigate to high shroud location Because this card would commit to all Investigating and Encounter resolve You get the following
- Investigating - 1 Blessing token for 3 times (Repeated from her ability)
- Treachery card test - 0 to 2 Blessing token for 1 times (Enemy or some card may have no test)
For my use I can add around 3-8 Blessing token in a single round.
That's promising because you can try to add more if you found higher shroud location