Blood of Thoth
Law Incarnate

Актив. Accessory

Item. Relic.

Cost: 2.


When 1 or more doom is placed on a card you control, exhaust Blood of Thoth: Place 1 resource on this card (from the token pool), as an offering.

If Blood of Thoth has 3 or more offerings on it, remove all offerings from Blood of Thoth and exhaust it: Choose an investigator at your location to immediately take an action as if it were their turn.

Pixoloid Studios
The Drowned City Investigator Expansion #65.
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Maybe it's a little too early to say, but I don't feel good about this one.

It has to exhaust each time an offering is placed on it, and it needs to exhaust again to give an investigator an extra action. That's a minimum of 4 turns before it's given you back the action you spent playing it. And another 4 before it's provided actual benefit. You need to be consistently placing doom on cards for the first 3 of those 4 turns for it to be even that quick.

There is something to be said about holding onto the offerings for later, as a sort of budget borrowed time. But considering how contested the accessory slot is for mystics, it's a hard bargain. Scratch that, activating the fast action removes all offerings, meaning you can't really save them up.

Maybe this will be the cycle that adds support for uses (offerings). Considering the term, it would be interesting to see something that requires a sacrifice of some sort to get you some extra offerings on your cards.

Olimarrex · 2
I'm not sure extra support will save this card even. Recharge works alright as a card because each charge is useful on whatever card you put it on. But even if we got a hypothetical card that gave 4 offerings onto a card as an event, that's an action for an action. Heck even if you had some other asset that gave you four offerings every turn on whatever other asset you like that's a two card combo to staple a leo de luca to your neck. It would at least be playable in such a scenario but it would still be rough. — Spamamdorf · 5
To be honest, there is NO WAY they release this card as is UNLESS we are missing something… like maybe another card or an upgrade they didn’t show off … right? I hope so — Therealestize · 73
Holding onto the offerings for the right time is also iffy, considering this uses all offerings when giving the extra action. I'm not sure it'd be worth waiting when it already takes so much time for one use. — jetjet96 · 1
This card is bad. Arguably the worst card in the game. You have to use the charges, or you lose any extra you put on, so you lose the flexibility of the action, and it maybe gives you like 4 actions in a game if you draw it early and get enough doom support? — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Ah, I missed that. For some reason I thought it only removed the 3 offerings. Wow this card is indeed bad. — Olimarrex · 2
Can wicked athame add offerings to it? The text of athame uses "replenish" one charge or offering. — Azulathoth · 1
So could you use wicked athame as the method of adding offerings to it instead or exhausting by adding doom, and then triggering the free action by exhausting? — Azulathoth · 1
problem is that blood of thoth doesn't have uses (offerings) :( — Efei · 1
That's what I am not sure about. It certainly does have uses: offerings. 3 or more (it can absorb an unlimited amount of offerings) can trigger its ability. All are removed and it is exhausted again. I'm still newish to the game but I'm thinking if the card used secrets instead of using offerings then it would be clear that cards like eldritch sophist could move charges onto or off of it. Perhaps the real value of this card will be generating offerings for use. Since it has no limit to quantity of uses that can be placed on it, I don't understand why "replenish" would limit the athame's ability to place offerings on BOT. Clearly, replenish limits the uses that can be placed on masks, but it seems that this cards hunger for offerings may be limitless. So it seems to be that it DOES have uses, it simply begins with zero and aquires them in a slow, exhaustive manner that might be accerated with a bit of wickedness. — Azulathoth · 1
But then I looked for a similar card and found "empty vessel". Which specifically states "uses." So if a card does not state "uses" — Azulathoth · 1
Then it can't receive uses. Got it. — Azulathoth · 1
While that's true, likely the final card has uses (0) offerings like Empty Vessel, otherwise it couldn't even recieve its own offerings (and they are offerings, it uses the normal rules text for that.) Uses (0) means it can't recieve them from Replenish effects, but can from other support cards that don't say 'replenish'. — Lailah · 1
per the faq on Truth From Fiction, you can place offerings on a card without uses (offerings). Whether or not you can also replenish them is a different question, and I'm betting no. — Olimarrex · 2