- Treachery cards do not have a header for their subtitle. If the title of a treachery card contains 1 or more words in parentheses, that is considered to be its subtitle. Other cards with the same title and a different subtitle are still considered to be copies of one another. e.g. Restless Journey (Fallacy) and Restless Journey (Hardship) are both copies of Restless Journey. - FAQ, v.2.0, Card Ability Interpretation 2.21, see Treachery Subtitles.
Peril. Hidden.
Revelation - Secretly add this card to your hand.
Forced - When your turn ends, if you did not perform at least 1 play action during your turn: Discard this card from your hand and take 1 direct damage and 1 direct horror.

Related Cards
- Visions in Your Mind (Failure) (Return to the Path to Carcosa #72)
- Visions in Your Mind (Death) (Return to the Path to Carcosa #73)
- Visions in Your Mind (Hatred) (Return to the Path to Carcosa #74)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This suite are all interesting puzzles. They all seem pretty innocuous at first; I mean, you do a play action pretty much every turn, right? (If you are Wendy or Nathaniel.) You move every turn, right? (If you are Ursula.) But then you can't one turn, or you forget, and there's that 1 damage and 1 horror tax, which isn't too bad, right? And then you draw a second. And a third. And they are Hidden, so you have to keep your frustration to yourself -- you've drawn three of the damned things in five turns, and your play partner sits, oblivious across the table (or the Zoom connection) complaining about the Swarm of Rats they drew... Then the visions in your mind really start.
Then, to add sauce to your madness sundae, you draw Maddening Delusions a time or two, because of course you do, because this Encounter set has it in for you personally. Yes, it's a Return to... set; it's supposed to take things up a notch, but this is taking things a bit too far....
Oh, now I have a Trauma. That's just great.