Wendy Adams pacyfistka

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Quba40 · 30

Optional: 2x Peter Sylvestre instead 2x Stray Cat. 2x Emergency Cache instead 1x "I'm outta here!" and 1x Perception

Upgrades: 1) Scrapper 2) 2x Cat Burglar instead 2x Stray Cat or 2x Peter Sylvestre instead 2x Peter Sylvestre
3) 2x Survival Instinct
instead 2 x Survival Instinct

Strategy: Combo with Dark Horse and Dig Deep


May 12, 2017 Quba40 · 30

Optional: 2 x Peter Sylvestre instead 2 x Stray Cat.

Upgrades: 1) Scrapper 2) 2 x Cat Burglar instead 2 x Dig Deep 3) 2 x Survival Instinct instead 2 x Survival Instinct

May 13, 2017 Difrakt · 1272

If you're doing a 0-cost build why don't you throw in fireaxe? Sure I see that you're not trying to fight, but fireaxe makes it an option on the occasion that you do need it.

May 13, 2017 HollowsHeart · 17

Many of the events included in this deck cost money, how do you square using these with maintaining the Dark Horse bonus? This goes double for the reactive events like Lucky or "Look what I found!"

May 13, 2017 Quba40 · 30

@Difrakt this is pacifist build, that's why there is no weapon. @HollowsHeart it depands on situation, I'll check this build today ;)

May 14, 2017 Quba40 · 30

Upgraded version is here arkhamdb.com