Akachi - Path to Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sotosprotos · 86

We finish the first scenario from Path to Carcosa with 8 exp. We run the scenario with Akachi, Yorick and Mihn. Akachi is all around fighting and gathering clues, Yorick is doing the most fighting and Mihn is the main clue gatherer. So far we have made a great run. It is our first time in this circle and it is the first time with these investigators. Feel free to add some new ideas :)


Jan 01, 2020 The Lynx · 972

Looks like you have all the pieces in place to play Song of the Dead for some more consistent damage.

I ran a similar deck in Carcosa and Akachi goes from strong to a wrecking ball that can singlehandedly crush a scenario. I would upgrade from Scrying and Enchanted Blade next to some more powerful combat spells. The main issue that I consistently ran into was that I could rarely ever get Sign Magick and the third Arcane slot full. I either ran out of resources or never drew cards in the right order. If it wasn't for Akachi's weakness I would recommend dropping Mists of R'lyeh but it is a good source of cheap charges that you can dump onto the card and possibly find useful for evasion. She will usually just destroy enemies though.

The basics of this deck (the events especially) work really well though.

Jan 02, 2020 Sotosprotos · 86

Thanks a lot for the comment@TWWaterfalls I had the same problem with Sign Magick and I am still not sure if this ok. Do you think that instead of those two cards, Sixth Sense will be a better addition? And do you have upgrade the blade to this Enchanted Blade? Or you use some more powerful spell? I have some ideas about Seal of the Seventh Sign for endgame because the failure there will be really painfull but I am not sure if this is for only a sealed mystic or just any mystic. Your ideas? :)

Jan 02, 2020 The Lynx · 972

If you have a powerful Seeker type in the group then I think Rite of Seeking is enough and Sixth Sense isn't needed.

I would swap Enchanted Blade out for Song of the Dead. I am not that keen on Enchanted Blade even though it is alright with Akachi and Jim since they have the 3 but it is never better than alright. The problem is that there aren't any static combat boosts for Mystics so Akachi is never better than a 5. The upgraded version bumps it to 6 for a lot of XP.

Song of the Dead starts at 6 with Akachi and can be bumped one or two points with Holy Rosary and Four of Cups. And you have all of the right Events in the deck to get a likely 5 damage action off with #Song of the Dead. Shrivelling can get to a 10. Shards of the Void is another combat spell that could work instead of Enchanted Blade but I haven't played it yet.

Seal of the Seventh Sign is another card (looks very strong) that I haven't played yet but it is expensive and takes up another Arcane slot. I think you would need to add more economy to the deck and really commit to get Sign Magick into play.