Slings and Arrows

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ElseWhere · 4373

This is my first take on a William Yorick deck. It is designed to focus on two elements: his ability to recur Assets and ways to get him clues.

The first is the most important. Yorick can recur (for full cost) an Asset once per round on a monster kill. This is where discardable effects like the Gravedigger's Shovel, the Beat Cop, and the Tennessee Sour Mash come in, as Yorick can get repeated use out of these already-powerful effects. He can also freely armor himself with the Leather Coat and Cherished Keepsake, or for a bit more resource cost keep Something Worth Fighting For and True Grit on the battlefield to shield both himself and his fellow investigators. He can also use Tetsuo Mori and the Backpack over and over again, tutoring out all of his cheap items and discardable effects to start the engine going.

The second focus allows him to bypass his weak Intellect through auto-investigate cards like Evidence! and Scene of the Crime. And of course with Alice's help, those clues also turn into damage to any hostile nearby

My favorite combo in the deck is probably his late-game .45 Thompson into Act of Desperation. Especially if he's out of bullets, the Act will give him a powerful attack and also reload his Tommy for free, or net him a resource gain as he instead recurs a friendly face or protective asset.