Skids & Agnes - Who needs a Seeker? (1 core)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Grease Man: Sneak in and Get Out 113 98 12 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Time4Tiddy · 245

My partner and I are doing a fun-run through Return to Dunwich after playing it twice through with the original box campaign (once unsuccessfully with Daisy and Ashcan, once successfully with Roland and Wendy).

We decided to go for an unusual pairing of Skids and Agnes - no seeker means grabbing those clues may be more challenging, but we're looking to have fun with some alternate ways to move through the objectives.

For this experiment, I took a few extra clue-gathering cards Evidence! and Scene of the Crime. Also looking to maximize Skids' ability to get 4-5 actions per turn by building in a lot of resource generation and Leo De Luca. I know Intrepid has a lot of detractors, but hoping I can pop this up on an Agnes sure-thing mythos pull and then go into a 5-action turn with boosted stats.

The biggest weakness I see in this deck is some over-reliance on monster spawns for best outcomes ("If it bleeds...", Evidence!, etc.) and having only a single Leo De Luca due to us sharing one core.

Thoughts and advice appreciated!