Minh Thi Phan enhances all

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Minh Thi Phan enhances all v2 0 0 0 2.0

vikingskarsnik · 2

First attempt at Minh thi phan. Not yet tested.

Rabbit's Foot is there for the Card draw (keeping in mind Higher Education). Same for Preposterous Sketches. And never forget the extra skill pip from Minh.

In hindsight I Prefer Magnifying Glass (good card for clue hunting) over Lantern...

Dr. Milan Christopher is a great card. helps with economy and investigating.

Dr. William T. Maleson can be a lifesaver.

Fieldwork, you will moving to locations with clues anyway...might as wel get +2 on skills.

Strange Solution has the Card draw...and I think to upgrade to the fight one.

"I've got a plan!" in case you need a plan...

A Chance Encounter to use the strong allies from the other players.

Emergency Cache is a staple card. Just like Unexpected Courage.

Lucky!...I'm a fan. Keep it for the checks that matter.

Mind over Matter, no brainer here.

Shortcut... moving around can be a pain sometimes...has it's uses.

Guts...for mental checks.

Inquiring Mind and Rise to the Occasion when you need 4 pips extra.

I hope this deck works in multiplayer with another investigator doing the monster handling in most occasions, but taking out and enemy should be ok with this deck.


Sep 18, 2017 Telosa · 52

Unless this deck is meant for solo play, shouldn't you include Deduction in any Seeker deck?

Sep 18, 2017 vikingskarsnik · 2

Yes, you are absolutely right? V2 is coming soon.