Agnes Baker - Core set solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neothechosen · 2

This is the first deck I post for Arkham Horror: the card game.

I bought a first core set a couple of years ago and got to play a few games. Got back to it a few weeks back, as I mostly play solo games with the pandemic situation. I realized a second set would be much helpful and got one, as well as the Dunwich expansion.

Now, this is a noob's deck, so suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

I was looking to solo Agnes Baker. Some of her spells are quite cool she can handle herself in a tight spot: Shrivelling to fight, Blinding Light to flee.

I use Scrying and Arcane Initiate to dig for those, and Rite of Seeking. Because of Agnes's low Investigation capacity, Rite of Seeking is actually quite essential, and I also put Drawn to the Flame and "Look what I found!". Flashlight is there for places with a lower shroud value.

On the resource side of things, Forbidden Knowledge, which combines nicely with Agnes's ability, Emergency Cache. Manual Dexterity if you have to run, Perception if you ever need to investigate.

And of course, Holy Rosary as a boost to your most important attribute, and Ward of Protection against horrible encounters.

Of course, as I said I'm new to the game and have a limited card pool, so nothing new here for veterans.

Suggestions and useful insights are welcome!