Bob Jenkins for Guardian team-up, no bless/curse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Krysmopompas · 357

Here Comes The Dealer!

Well, first crack at the amazing Bob Jenkins, who will make every Guardian you team up with very happy.

I ran this through TDL partnered with Leo Anderson and friends, and boy Leo did not need to tap into his Rogue cards for too much cash...freeing him up for fast weapon plays.

The challenge I found was to lock in those 5 Rogue level 0 cards and throwing away some red cards that would have been great. Also wanted to include some cards I don't use much but would be useful when partnered with some Guardian beef. I should also mention I don't always play Bless/Curse, and Faustian Bargain is obviously fantastic for Bob. But also too easy to auto-include. So going no bless/curse with this build here.

Overall goal is to run lots of items (obvs), earn money, and get clues. Going over slots....

HANDS .18 Derringer to pop the odd one in the head of an enemy, although really in a duo with a strict fighter/cluever combo this might not even be necessary. But Bob's Fight 3 is tempting! I have a feeling it's a trap and in higher player counts I'd likely just forget about having a weapon. Focusing on getting items for people and clues too will keep him busy enough. Plus since you can't upgrade to next-level Derringer, this was a drop for me as the campaign went on. I like the Lantern in Dunwich but can never find the investigator to play it. Well, Bob's a great choice. Get rid of those Whippoorwills that fly around everywhere, as well as the odd Acolyte that gets passage on the train and moves the agenda too quickly! You can recover it a variety of ways as you go on... Finally Old Keyring for cheap and fast (especially with Bob's ability) reduction of shroud.

ACCESSORY/BODY Would love to run 2x Cherished Keepsake especially with Bob's weakness, but don't have the space here. You can probably make space better than me:) Now, I'd also like to run 2x Backpack and you probably can, but I get nervous with Bob's 6 Health in a 2-player game. So high counts I think 2 packs are the way to go! But 1x Leather Coat for safety...

ALLY I think the underused Gregory Gry is great for Bob at level 0. Investigate using the Keyring, bet a couple of resources from Gry, and come out ahead.

"OTHER" Burglary and Scavenging for money and retrieving items, although I think both of those cards are better in higher player counts when you have more time to do things. 2x Schoffner's Catalogue because it's so great and won't get hit by cards that tell you to lose resources. 2x Tennessee Sour Mash but maybe not on Hard or Expert, where you're going to lose your Will tests anyway. In that case I'd run Liquid Courage for horror heals if Will tests hit you there. Track Shoes again might be better on higher player counts for running around the board, but I still found it good when paired with slow-butt when playing Dunwich...and added Waylay with Adaptable at the "appropriate time" in that campaign... Well Connected didn't always hit for me but boy it helped in those Will tests when it was up and active.

EVENTS and SKILLS Staples "Look what I found!" and Lucky!, even though you can't upgrade them. Need money and no Rogue slots left, so tried out 21 or Bust which was mostly just ok, and the reliable Emergency Cache. I think "Watch this!" isn't an auto-include with Bob because of his low Will, his preference not to Fight, leaving him with tests on his base 3 Agility. So looked for green cards elsewhere.

Perception and Resourceful to help him do what he does.


Briefly, I found success pushing away from even trying to fight and going for more money with things like Another Day, Another Dollar, Easy Mark, and Hot Streak, and switching up Gregory with Lola Santiago. Her Intellect and Agility boosts alone are great for Bobby. Tennessee Sour Mash Rogue version is Fast and a definite upgrade for B-man too, and of course Backpack upgraded is fab.

All that will already use a bunch of xp, and Adaptable is really great for him so you can read how your teammates are building and try to morph yourself in a way that will help as many of them as possible. I guess you could always Versatile in Teamwork if your Guardian(s) don't have it, but Versatile is even more useful for getting the extra 5 cards in your deck...get some more draw with skill cards or Preposterous Sketches so you can load up and dole out stuff as quickly as possible.

IN CLOSING Bob is so much fun! I'm sure there's going to be a lot of great (and better) builds for him and I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.


Jul 16, 2021 MrGoldbee · 1435

Greg is a good pick.